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"Perils of Perl"

No streaming now... I'm too mentally exhausted.

But... I have claimed a victory. I manage to make a Perl script (after javascript failed miserably) that will take the information I have from the fics I've collected for Rara (mouthful) and format it exactly the way I want. No more retyping same tags over and over. I can redo all the fics simply by copying in the title, author, email, and the fic content itself (which is already coded anyway).

And no, I don't know Perl. I don't know it at all. I had to stitch this together from tutorials and reading other scripts.

But it works and it does what I want it to do. Good enough. So all I do once I enter the info is go to save as and boom, redone file.

The only thing I haven't been able to do is find a way to include a footer that doesn't require ssi, simply because on the server I use I have to rename all the files to .shtml and I really don't want to do that.

Javascript would work, but then it's a case of which browser would be able to read it, even if it's a simple document.write command.

But I am a step closer to making my job much easier. Not bad, since I have yet to take an actual Perl class (and I will fairly soon).

Damn you, Hostex. If you didn't force me to change it to shtml, this would have been done a long time ago.

Speaking of which, if you cast your eyes to the side boxes, the ones saying "If Happiness were..." and "Today's Mood", those are done with javascript includes. So please tell me if they come out okay.

I'd ask the nice ::coughinsanecough:: people of Technomancy, but I'm not sure if they offer free advice. ^^

 Comments: 2 sighs

Those are java-fied? Hmmm. I use Netscape 4.something-or-other and IE 5, and they seem to work fine for me. ^__^

Raine - 8/01/01
( 10:03 p.m. )

I didn't realize those boxes were done with Javascript.

Yep, work fine for me.

And way to go with the Perl thing. *Thumbs up*

Harlen - 8/01/01
( 2:42 p.m. )