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"::waves off sentiment::"

Anyway, I've gotten some news from my roommate for Yaoicon. Apparently someone else backed out, but they claim they'll still pay their share simply because they know it was rather last minute of them to back out (I'm asking Rose if she's already got the money, since I trust nobody). Anyway, it's a double, and to split the cost three ways equals approx. $65 a night. For three nights make it $195. I can do that. She wanted to know if we should keep looking for a fourth. Split four ways, it drops to approx 60. ... a double bed, two people, a bed for each... or try to save a measly five bucks.

C'mon... she didn't even have to ask me.

But I'm glad she did. It shows she's a considerate person, and I respect that.

Parental unit (for I only have one) says I shouldn't be cheap and just go Greyhound. I don't like Greyhound, and I would rather go with someone who will either talk about the con, or else let me 'vegetate'. (vegetable + meditate)

Speaking of parental units... or in this case, 'sperm-donor'...

My sperm-donor had a heart attack. I think this is like his third or fourth one. ::holds up hands:: Before anyone mistakes this for any kind of concern, I must tell you, there is none. I'm stating this in a very factual manner, so please, save any sympathies for those truly deserving, because this man is not.

Allow me to explain slightly and maybe you can understand. See, even though I know now, I found out from a sibling (through him) that I have only met about two years back, if that long. I honestly don't know how many siblings I have through him. I have to say siblings to make a distinction, because I can't relate to them the same way I can to my brother and sisters who I actually grew up with... okay, brother. (I can't relate to the females, I just can't. And I still want to sell Erica to a slavery ring or something. Maybe use her in testing new methods of execution).

Tangent. As I was saying, one of my sibs told me he had a heart attack. Yet he has this number. Even if he lost it, my two sibs I have met have it, so he could get it. Not to mention that my phone number is OLD. Seriously, the number we have is older than my mother. This number was around when they used to have letters and tell an operator to dial it in, then it got changed over to numbers only.

Trust me, it's old.

He's had this number for years (regardless of the fact that he told me he didn't. His track record for honesty is nil).

So why didn't he call me himself and tell me if he really wanted me to know?

Add to that the fact that I can still count on one hand the times I've seen this man, and maybe now you can understand why I don't feel much.

It's not that I'm being unnaturally cold. Ask Kit, as I think she cam sympathize somewhat...

How can you feel bonded to what is nearly a perfect stranger to you?

Just because some man walks in and says "I'm your father" does not automatically create some bond of life long caring.

Bonds are made, nurtured, and maintained from the time of initial creation until one or both parties dissolves them.

Genetic accidents at birth are not enough to establish a bond on.

No, I'm not bitter, even if it sounds this way. Honestly, my face has remained impassive. These are just words.

I highly doubt it if the man sees fifty.

But I'm not involved if/when he dies. I doubt if I'm obligated to go to the funeral. It's better I don't. If they ask me (as the oldest) to get up and say a few words, I'd only repeat what I've just typed in here now.

Not good funeral material.

I find it mildy humourous to try and think of what they'll put on his obituary.