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I'd like to know how in the hell this woman talked me into going to a beginning pascal class? I never had any intention of taking pascal. I don't like pascal unless there's some strange use for it on the web that I'm as yet unaware of. I'm not the one with the crush on the prof, she is. So why the hell am I going???

I told her, however, that if the stress of getting on those metro trains to get there proves to be to much [read: the bloody visions occur with frightening regularity, and I'm channeling Mo`re a bit too much for my liking], then I will drop.

I don't want to take Pascal, I want Perl..

BTW, thanks for the lyrics, Kit. Do you know if there's any other songs similar to that on off Bebop?

I'm going to start on a fic sometime today. FFX. Yaoi. I just hope I will be able to finish it. And finish that damn WK fic, too.

...is there a point to a Mary Sue? Or is it just someone's daydream hidden behind the guise of a fic? Sorry, idle thought after glancing at the Yu-Gi-Oh section and finding over half the fics there are MS's.

No lovely streams of thought or fic bits today. Try again tomorrow.

 Comments: 3 sighs

I just might go crawling back to Audiogalaxy. Might.


Kit - 2/10/02
( 10:55 p.m. )


I firmly believe that there is no point to Mary Sues and that they should not exist.

Kit - 2/10/02
( 10:52 p.m. )

Believe it or not, I have actually not heard "Call Me Call Me." Well, I'm sure I heard it in the show, but I sure as heck don't remember it and it's not on any of my CDs. But I'm dreadfully biased anyway, since I love all of Yoko Kanno's music and desire to have her babies.

I'm downloading the song now. I'll get back to you later. But meanwhile, I think you should get "ELM." And "Green Bird." And, uh, the opening song, which is called "Tank!" Well, if you like the opening song. Do they play it on TV?

Kit - 2/10/02
( 10:51 p.m. )