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"Just to note"

A note to those who actually come here (all, what, two of you? /^^\ ). I'm going to see about switching the backbone of my log. Don't get me wrong, I'll always love Greymatter. The flexibility is wonderful, and the learning curve isn't that high. But I'm looking at the amount of static html files generated and thinking there's got to be a way to save some space, (even if I do have 200MB here. I don't want to use it all up).

So what this means is, at some point (and you will be warned), the site will go down while I change things around. When, where, and how long, I don't know. I'm just warning everyone ahead of time.

Keep your links, though. When I'm through, the link should remain the same. Just know it's going to be broken at some point in the near future.

I'll post again when I think I'm going to switch over. For now, I need to test a few things on the possible new program I may/may not use.

Wish me luck.